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Why Choose Interlocking Concrete Pavers? 

When building a new driveway, patio, or walkway; one of the main decisions will be what type of material to use. Should you pour a concrete slab? Use traditional asphalt? What about interlocking concrete pavers? The choices can be confusing, so we cover these different material options below. We will show you why choosing concrete pavers is the best choice for your driveway, patio, or walkway.

After you're convinced, check out our selection of Interlocking Concrete Pavers and start planning your project! It is a collection of the most popular paver styles and colors.

Interlocking Concrete Paver Driveway

Concrete Pavers are Durable

Bella Vista concrete pavers have over 3 times the load capacity as a standard concrete slab. Concrete slabs average 2,500psi compression strength, while concrete pavers provide 8,000psi. This higher strength allows heavier loads and longer life. Concrete pavers will also not break down with traffic the same way as other surfaces will. This quality gives concrete pavers a much longer lifespan than materials like asphalt. Concrete pavers win as the most durable solution.

Concrete Pavers are Flexible

Concrete pavers will not crack. Weather changes, soil shifting, and seismic movement can all cause expansion and contraction. This movement will cause cracks in materials like concrete and asphalt. Concrete pavers will move with this expansion and contraction, and will not crack. Compared to the other materials, this flexibility increases the longevity of your paved area.

Repair and Maintenance of Concrete Pavers

Repair and maintenance of concrete pavers is simple and affordable. If pavers ever become damaged or stained, you can replace only the affected pavers. This is as simple as removing the offending pavers and replacing them with new ones. With concrete slabs or asphalt, repairs can be more expensive and time consuming. Asphalt paving requires resurfacing many times over the course of its life. Concrete slabs can leave visible repairs when filling cracks or cleaning stains.

Aesthetics of Concrete Pavers

Concrete pavers provide the widest array of design possibilities. Combining a large selection of styles, colors, and patterns gives you the ability to be unique. Assuring that your paving project will stand out from the rest. Gray concrete or asphalt do not have this variety. And stamped/colored concrete does not have the quality feel of concrete pavers. Bottom line, concrete paver installations look better than those of other material options.

Concrete Pavers vs Concrete vs Asphalt

Poured Concrete

Concrete Slab

Moderate, Will Crack

Not Flexible, Will Crack

Moderate, Treatment of Cracks


Asphalt Paving

Moderate, Breaks Down With Traffic

Flexible, Will Crack

Moderate, Reseal Every 4–5 Years

Concrete Pavers

Concrete Pavers

High, 3x Stronger Than Concrete

Flexible, Will Not Crack

Low, Easily Replaced if Needed

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(800) 794-4727

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